Product Update – September 20, 2018 – New Video Service, Wrong Room Issue Fixed

Dear Focusmate fam,

Below are the latest product updates and plans, as of today, September 20th, 2018.

Let us know your feedback in the comments!

New Updates

Video service provider change: Replacing with Jitsi

Effective Saturday morning at roughly 10am Eastern Standard Time, we’ll switch from using as our video provider to Jitsi.

Jitsi works almost exactly the same way: You don’t need an account to join, and the video will start automatically once both people navigate to the same URL. The only difference is that you’ll be prompted to share your name before the video starts, which is actually beneficial!


Fix: Prevention of accidentally being in a different room than your partner

Once the session starts, we check to validate the room ID is still valid. If not, we automatically refresh the page.

Mini-calendar being replaced by a calendar button

The permanent mini-calendar will be replaced by a small button in the calendar navigation area. This frees up sidebar real estate for other planned features.

Weekly performance report emails

Every week/month that you’re active you’ll receive an email letting you know all of your stats. We’ll keep adding to this over time! Let us know what you’d like to see in here via the comments.

Planned Updates

Upgrade from Angular 5 to Angular 6. You won’t notice anything right away, but this engineering upgrade will allow us to build new features faster and deliver a better mobile experience soon!

Bug fix: During onboarding process, prevent accidental booking of appointments.

New analytics to track internal performance and identify issues & opportunities more accurately.

Ask for feedback on your session experience to learn more about what works and what doesn’t. After a session you’ll be prompted to share how it went, and give comments about why you felt that way. Our goal is to learn what causes people to feel that they were focused or not, rather than relying on guesswork or the squeakiest wheels 🙂


What do you think? Share your input in the comments.


Taylor & Mike

4 thoughts on “Product Update – September 20, 2018 – New Video Service, Wrong Room Issue Fixed”

  1. I love this new idea for leaving feedback at the end of the session and that we receive a summary report. Also, I’m excited to see what new features will appear in the sidebar. I love that you can toggle the calendar view to your preference (Full day / Full week). Overall I’ve been very happy with the site and the quality of my Focusmates. The sessions have certainly increased my productivity. Great work Focusmate team! Looking forward to what’s next. Thank you!

  2. I share Gabrielle’s sentiments. Killer site . Love it.
    Could you allow WorkFlowy or dynalist or to be embedded in the session with focusmate partner ? Need a way to track tasks and check off to dos in session

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