Product Update – November 6, 2018 – Session Naming, Workspaces

Below are the latest product updates and plans, as of today, November 6, 2018 (go vote!).

New Updates

Session titles. You can now add a title or name to your sessions. 

Watch a short tutorial.


Upcoming sessions area. The upcoming sessions area has new logic: it will show sessions today and tomorrow. If you have none, it will suggest you book some. The session countdown timer also appears in the Upcoming sessions area as well. As you can see, I’m creating this blog post during my session with Sven!

We’ve also been working hard to flesh out a new set of functionality we’re calling Workspaces. This will enable a variety of other features and preferences.

Planned Updates

This is work planned for the week of November 5th-11th, 2018.

Notify new users that their video icon will appear 10 minutes prior to the session. New users often wonder how they’ll join their sessions. This solution will prevent that stress!

Increase booking limit for new users from 3 to 10. This feature is no longer useful after the addition of auto-cancel.

Bug fix when saving profile photo. Remove the confusing delay when saving a new profile photo.

Workspaces: associate a user with a workspace. This will allow us to connect a user to a Workspace. This update will not affect the live site initially.


What do you think? Share your input in the comments.


Taylor & Mike

2 thoughts on “Product Update – November 6, 2018 – Session Naming, Workspaces”

  1. Love the update. This site is amazing. If there is no plan to have sessions start at :15 and :45, please allow us to join sessions 30 minutes before that start. When I dont get matched, I want to schedule the next session for the next immediately available slot and join that session so I don’t waste time staring at the clock for 20 mins waiting to join my next session

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