Introducing Focusmate: A Guide for the Uninitiated

Get ready for the most effective productivity tool on the planet.

Imagine if you could pick a time tomorrow when you could guarantee you’d be totally focused and bang out the most important thing on your to do list. What would you work on?

Now imagine if you could do that every day.

What difference would that make to your life?

Huge, right?

Well, that’s what will happen once you start using Focusmate.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Any time you want to get productive, you book a 1-hour session on the dashboard and get automatically matched with another user. You’ll receive a calendar invitation with a link for a video hangout.
  2. Then at the appointed time you both log on, commit to a specific task and quietly get to work with the video hangout in the background.

Each step is explained in a bit more detail below.

Step 1: Schedule a session request (in 2 clicks)

Schedule a Focusmate at any time when you want to be productive. Each session is 50 minutes.

You’ll receive a calendar invitation with a unique video link as soon as we match you with a partner.

Note: We’re still a small community so you won’t always get a partner. We’re growing fast, but in the meantime please be patient — my goal is that you love using Focusmate.

Try it for yourself now. Click to visit the Dashboard.

Step 2: Join the session and tell your partner what you’re going to work on

OK so now you’ve joined the video hangout, and you and your partner are about to get started. What next?

All you need to do is tell your partner what you’re going to work on. I suggest choosing the most important thing on your to do list. Then, write it down in the chat window.

I also find it helpful to list a very achievable task – instead of “create that marketing presentation” maybe pick “finish 1 slide” or “create a 10-slide outline.”

Your partner will do the same, and then you’ll get to work while respecting the Community Code of Conduct.

If/when you finish your first task, declare a new one to your partner and write it in the chat window. Only one task at a time, until the session is over.

Here are some final tips for getting the most out of Focusmate


  • Turn your video ON (don’t be shy). No one likes to hang out with a blank screen, and seeing one another will heighten the accountability.
  • Refresh your browser screen if you or your partner mysteriously gets booted off the video hangout. This is normal and a refresh usually does the trick.


  • Chit-chat. While it’s OK to say hello (please be friendly!), you will not be collaborating with your partner — you will simply be “hanging out” while you each get your work done. In fact, for your own good (and that of your partner) please keep the chit-chat to a minimum — after all you’re there to get stuff done!

That’s it! Now, you’re ready to book a session.

READ NEXT: Focusmate Community Code of Conduct.


Founder & CEO

P.S. Let me personally show you the ropes? Book a session on my calendar here.

13 thoughts on “Introducing Focusmate: A Guide for the Uninitiated”

  1. Pingback: Focusmate; Can This Simple Tool Double Your Productivity? [Review] » Never Productive

  2. Pingback: On virtual co-working and accountability – Nico Macdonald

  3. Michelle M. Richter

    Thank you so much, Mr. Taylor Jacobson!! : ) I just completed my first two sessions on Focusmate & I am hooked!! I will be updating to unlimited sessions as I have ADHD & this is a lifesaver for me!! I have been procrastinating on updating my VITA (which I need to do to attain a professional position in my field). You are one inspiring & aspiring avant-garde individual!! Your personalized encouragement is fantastic, too!! How fortunate for us!! You rock, Taylor!! 😀

    1. Taylor Jacobson

      wow, thank you Michelle 🙂
      so happy to have your enthusiasm and positive vibes in our community!!

  4. Thank you so much, Taylor. Is there a way to createe a group and calendar for only a specific group of people? I want to invite my students to find only each other on the calendar? It would be great if they can connect and work on their midterm and final paper together. They haven’t met in person and it seems to me they work in isolation 🙁

  5. Hi. I’ve done just a few sessions and am enjoying it. It’s easy to book a session, but how is it that when I’m about to book, the calendar is full of people that aren’t connected yet? Put another way, how can I make myself become available in such a way? Thanks.

    1. Taylor Jacobson

      Hi Bart, thanks for your patience! The calendar can be confusing. The best approach is generally to ignore who you see on the calendar and just schedule at times you want to work. If there’s an available person in that slot, you’ll be matched immediately. If not, another person usually comes along within a minute or two and you’ll get matched very fast. Our match rate is over 99%.

  6. Love this, I had a late diagnosis of ADHD at age 49. Within just 2 sessions I can see that it will be incredibly helpful for me. Thank you

  7. That’s why I’m here as well. It was a recommended productivity method for people with ADHD, I was diagnosed at 40. No surprise as both my kids were diagnosed before me, then I started to connect the dots of my adolescence with concentration/procrastination/time management problems! ????

  8. I’ve only used FocusMate a couple times so far, but it is a lifesaver! I struggle with executive functioning skills and many symptoms of ADHD, but the FocusMate format is really helping! Wish I had found this sooner haha.

    Thank you so much for FocusMate!

  9. Hi,
    This is a great tool!
    it’s definitely giving me the opportunity to focus on my value and be indistractable.
    Thanks, love it!

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