New feature: Favorites are here!

It’s here. We’re excited to present our latest, coolest, shiniest feature: Favorite Partners!

Enjoy focusing with a partner? Come across someone with similar interests and would like to focus with them? With just one tap, you can Favorite anyone, curate a list of people you like focusing with, and book easily with them.

How do I Favorite someone?

Super simple! Just tap the star (☆) anywhere you see it – next to your partner’s name in a session, on the People page, or on their profile.

Who can I Favorite?

You can Favorite anyone, and anyone can Favorite you! You control who can book locked-in sessions with you through your Availability setting. More on the Availability setting here.

Cool, I Favorited a few people. What happens now?

Great! You’ll start seeing your Favorites with a star badge on their profile picture. You can also book locked-in sessions with your Favorites when you see them on the Calendar (see below)

And, you can also go to their Availability page to book locked-in sessions! Learn more about booking locked-in sessions

Where can I learn more about Favorites?

We’ve put together a bunch of content to help you do just that:

All your questions about Favorites, answered!

About the Availability setting and the See Availability page

How to book locked-in sessions

Omg I can’t wait I just want to try this out right now!

Of course 🙂 Head on over to Focusmate!

Psst…we love to hear from you! Please click here to share any feedback and ideas!

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